मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान) Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Associate Professor Ph.D.(CSE (Wireless Sensor Network Security)),M.Tech.(CSE),B.E.(CSE) Research Interests : Secure Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Security, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Ad hoc Networks, Opportunistic Networks, Software Defined Networks, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Information Security, Internet of Things. mtripathi.cse@mnit.ac.in 01412713419 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile ResearchGate Profile Personal Website
Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed
Associate Professor Ph.D.(Computer Engg.),B.E.(Computer Engg.) Research Interests : Network on Chip , Computer Networks, Embedded Systems, Multi-Core And Cloud Computing, Wireles Sensor Networks, Fault Tolerant Systems, High speed Overlay Networking,, Blockchain, Network router design and algorithms, Wireless Ad hoc Networks, Opportunistic Networks. mahmed.cse@mnit.ac.in 01412713361 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile ResearchGate Profile Personal Website Biosketch
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(CSE),M. Tech.(CSE),B.E.(CSE) Research Interests : Design and analysis of traffic grooming algorithms, Behaviroul analysis of dynamically generated traffic demands, Fragmentation problems in spectrum domain under EON. prasanta.cse@mnit.ac.in 01411234567 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Adjunct Faculty Ph.D.(Computer Science),M.E.(Electronics & Communication),B.E.(Electronics & Communication ) Research Interests : Cyber Security, Computer Architecture, Processor architecture & micro-architecture, Memory system design, Reconfigurable computing, Adaptive computing/architectures, Compiler support for modern architectures, Fault-tolerant computing, Robust design and architectures, Self-healing system design, VLSI testing and design for testability, SoC/NoC design and test, Post silicon debug, High level synthesis, Formal verification, Trusted computing, FPGA based acceleration, Trusted hardware design, Cyber physical systems, Network router design and algorithms, Software defined networking (SDN), Blockchain.
Adjunct Faculty Ph.D.(Mathematics) Research Interests : Distributed Parallel Computing, BigData Processing,, High Performance Computing, Application and System Benchmarks on Distributed Parallel Processing Platforms, HPC for AI and AI for HPC technologies programming Environment and Libraries, Digital Twin – Modeling and Simulation, Implementation aspects for 5G/6G Tele traffic Engineering Applications - Linear Programming and Optimization.
Senior Technician B.Tech. in ECE, M.Tech. in VLSI Expertise :Digital System Lab, Microprocessor Lab, IOT & Real Time Embedded System Lab arunsharma.ece@mnit.ac.in
2022rcp9520 Research Interests :Machine learning Supervisors :Dr.Mushtaq Ahamed 2022rcp9520@mnit.ac.in
2022RCP9519 B.Tech and M.Tech Research Interests :Graph Learning for Natural Language Processing Supervisors :Dr. Mahipal Jadeja/Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena 2022rcp9519@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Sneha Garg
2022rcp9517 Research Interests :Natural Language Processing, Graph Neural Networks Publications :Journal (International -01), Conference (International-2) Supervisors :Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena, Dr. Dinesh Gopalani 2022rcp9517@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Dipankar Das
2022RCP9028 Research Interests :Medical Image Analysis, Computer Vision, Deep Learning Supervisors :Dr. Deepak Ranjan Nayak 2022rcp9028@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Aishwarya Upadhyay
2022rcp9026 Research Interests :Operating systems, Concurrency, Formal Methods Publications :Journal (International :01), Conference ( International:01) Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi / Dr. Smita Naval 2022rcp9026@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Krishan Pal Singh
2022RCP9025 Research Interests :Dark Web, The Onion Router, Security, Forensics, Anonymous Communication Networks (ACNs), and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS) Publications :International Journal (1), International Conferences (6), Book Chapter (1) Supervisors :Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar and Prof. Vijay Laxmi 2022rcp9025@mnit.ac.in
2022RCP9024 M.Tech Research Interests :Remote Sensing, Deep Learning, Image Processing Publications :Journal (International: 5) Supervisors :Dr. Ashish Kumar Tripathi 2022rcp9024@mnit.ac.in
2021RCP9548 M.E. , B.E Research Interests :Machine Learning, Deep Learning Supervisors :Dr. Satyendra Singh Chouhan
Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar 2021RCP9548@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Sandeep Kumar Jangir
2021RCP9546 M.tech, B.E. Research Interests :Blockchain Supervisors :Dr. Dinesh Gopalani, Dr. Ramesh babu Battula 2021RCP9546@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Babita
2021RCP9035 M.Tech B.Tech Research Interests :Medical Image Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Image Processing Publications :Conference (International -02) Supervisors :Dr. Deepak Ranjan Nayak 2021rcp9035@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Ankit Pulkit
2020RCP9585 M. Tech. CS IS, B. Tech. CSE Research Interests :Information Security, Side and Covert Channels, Privacy Breach, Vulnerabilities, Web Development and Security Supervisors :Dr. Smita Naval, Prof. Vijay Laxmi 2020rcp9585@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Karishma Yadav
2020RCP9584 M.Tech Research Interests :Blockchain Security, Information Security Supervisors :Dr. Smita Naval 2020rcp9584@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Khunteta
2020RCP9581 M.Tech.,B.E. Research Interests :Compiler, Information Security, Cyber Security & Forensics, IOT Security Publications :Conference (International - 2), Journal(International:01) Supervisors :Dr. Meenakshi Tripathi 2020RCP9581@MNIT.AC.IN
Mr. Prafulla Saxena
2020rcp9580 M.Tech, B.Tech. Research Interests :Computer vision, Machine Learning, Video Analytics, Change detection, Segmentation, Facial Expression Supervisors :Dr. Santosh kumar Vipparthi, Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi 2020rcp9580@mnit.ac.in
2018RCP9156 M.Tech, B.E. Research Interests :Internet of Things Security Supervisors :Dr. Ramesh Babu Battula, Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar 2018RCP9156@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Vikas Kumar Jain
2018RCP9154 B.E., M.E. Research Interests :Blockchain Technology, Smart Contract Security Publications :2 International Journal, 6 International Conference Supervisors :Dr. Meenakshi Tripathi 2018RCP9154@mnit.ac.in
2017rcp9069 M. Tech, B. Tech Research Interests :Anomaly Detection, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning Supervisors :Dr. Santosh Kumar Vipparthi 2017rcp9069@mnit.ac.in
PhD Awarded
Dr. Virendra Kumar Meghwal
2018RCP9061 M.Tech., B.Tech. Thesis Title :Exploring Fusion-Based Architectures for Hindi Image Captioning Publications :Conference (National-00, International-01) Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal / Dr. Girdhari Singh Year of Award :2025 2018RCP9061@mnit.ac.in 9799076568
Dr. Akash Yadav
2019RCP9150 M.Tech. (IS), B.Tech.(IT) Thesis Title :Directive-Based Parallelization Approach For Efficiently Exploiting Parallelism In Loops and Isomorphic Instructions Publications :Journal (International - 03, National - 00), Conference (International 03, National - 00) Supervisors :Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Year of Award :2025 2019rcp9150@mnit.ac.in 9760507857
Dr. Rukhsar Sultana
2019RCP9045 M.Tech CSE, B.Tech CSE Thesis Title :Dynamic and Context-Sensitive Misbehavior Detection in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Publications :Journal (International- 01), Conference (International-02) Supervisors :Dr. Jyoti Grover, Dr. Meenakshi Tripathi Year of Award :2024 2019rcp9045@mnit.ac.in 9460419048
Dr. Praveen Singh Thakur
2021RCP9036 Thesis Title :Software Code Smell Detection in an Imbalanced Environment Supervisors :Dr. Mahipal Jadeja, Dr. Satyendra Singh Chouhan Year of Award :2024 2021RCP9036@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Pawankumar Balkishan Lahoti
2019RCP9544 M.E., MBA, B.Tech Thesis Title :Multilingual Question Answering and Question Generation for Hindi and Marathi Text. Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal, Dr. Girdhari Singh Year of Award :2024 2019rcp9544@mnit.ac.in 9403738895
Dr. Aishwarya Mishra
2020RCP9049 B .Tech , M.Tech Thesis Title :Mathematical Models of Geoscience based Computational Intelligence for Smart Farming Supervisors :Dr. Lavika Goel Year of Award :2024 2020rcp9049@mnit.ac.in
2018RCP9099 M.Tech., B.Tech. Thesis Title :Demand Response Management in Smart Grid for Improved Agricultural Output Supervisors :Dr. NAMITA MITTAL Year of Award :2024 2018rcp9099@mnit.ac.in 9588846076
Dr. Jyoti Nagpal
2020rcp9583 M.Tech. , B.Tech. Thesis Title :A service-oriented framework for crop disease classification using hybrid
machine learning techniques Supervisors :Dr. Lavika Goel Year of Award :2024 2020rcp9583@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Jitendra Parmar
2019RCP9044 MTech. Thesis Title :Unseen Class Identification in Open World Machine Learning Supervisors :Dr. Satyendra Singh Chouhan Year of Award :2024 2019rcp9044@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Saurabh Ranjan Srivastava
2017RCP9054 M.Tech., B.E. Thesis Title :Forecasting and Chaining Catastrophic Spatiotemporal Events using Predictive Modeling Techniques Publications :Journals (International - 01), Conferences (International - 03) Supervisors :Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena / Dr. Girdhari Singh Year of Award :2024 2017RCP9054@mnit.ac.in 9694342222
Dr. Abhishek Narwaria
2018RCP9013 M.Tech, B.E. Thesis Title :Adaptive Controller Selection and Mobility Management in SDWSN Publications :Conferance (International - 01) Supervisors :Dr. Arka Prokash Mazumdar Year of Award :2024 2018rcp9013@mnit.ac.in 9713697535
Dr. Lakshminarayana Sadineni
2018RCP9083 MS, B.Tech, Diploma Thesis Title :Provenance based Forensic Analysis in Internet of Things Publications :Journal (International -1), Conference (International - 1) Supervisors :Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar/Dr. Ramesh Babu Battula Year of Award :2024 2018rcp9083@mnit.ac.in 9533533850
Dr. Anamika Satrawala
2016RCP9518 M.Tech, B. Tech. Thesis Title :Adaptive Model for Driving Behaviour Analysis in IOV Supervisors :Dr. Arka Prokash Mazumdar, Dr. Santosh Kumar Vipparthi Year of Award :2024 2016RCP9518@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Mayank Kumar Jain
2018rcp9116 Thesis Title :An Enhanced Fake News Detection Model Using Content and Context-based Features Supervisors :Dr. Dinesh Gopalani and Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena Year of Award :2024 2018rcp9116@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Jitendra Goyal
2018RCP9080 M.Tech., B.Tech. Thesis Title :A Secure Framework for IoT Using Blockchain Technology Supervisors :Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed/ Dr. Dinesh Gopalani Year of Award :2024 2018rcp9080@mnit.ac.in 9413724527
Dr. Monika Choudhary
2019RCP9186 PhD Thesis Title :Credibility Analysis of Online User-Generated Content Supervisors :Dr. Satyendra Singh Chouhan Year of Award :2024 2019RCP9186@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Atul Kumar Verma
2019RCP9050 M.Tech, B.Tech Thesis Title :Navigating Real-World Networks: Centrality-Infused Graph Neural Network Paradigms. Supervisors :Dr. Mahipal Jadeja Year of Award :2023 2019rcp9050@mnit.ac.in 7891437501
Dr. Gopal Behera
2019rcp9002 M.Tech Thesis Title :Collaborative Deep-Recommender Systems Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain Year of Award :2023 2019rcp9002@mnit.ac.in 8895925598
Dr. Vivek Sharma
International Conference: 12,
SCI Journal: 01 Supervisors :Dr. Ashish Kumar Tripathi/ Dr. Himanshu Mittal Year of Award :2023 2020rcp9048@mnit.ac.in 9589518257
Dr. Avuthu Avinash Reddy
2017RCP9014 M.Tech
B.Tech Thesis Title :Secure spectrum aware medium access control mechanism for Cognitive Radio based 5G IoT Supervisors :Dr. Ramesh Babu Battula, Dr. Dinesh Gopalani Year of Award :2023 2017RCP9014@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Shweta Saharan
2015RCP9533 M. Tech, B. Tech Thesis Title :Privacy Preserving Data and Computation Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur, Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2022 2015RCP9533@mnit.ac.in
2015RCP9023 M.Tech, B.Tech Thesis Title :An Efficient Framework for Big RDF Data Storage and Retrieval Publications :Conferece (International - 4) Supervisors :Prof. Girdhari Singh. Dr. Emmanuel S. Pilli Year of Award :2022 2015RCP9023@mnit.ac.in
2016RCP9511 M.Tech, B.Tech Thesis Title :Child Face Aging and Rejuvenation with Generative Adversarial Networks Publications :Conference-6, SCI Journal-3 Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain Year of Award :2022 2016RCP9511@mnit.ac.in 9414203851
Mrs. Manisha Samanta
2015rcp9524 Thesis Title :Online Event Detection and Impact Analysis on Social Media Text Supervisors :Dr. Yogesh kr. Meena Year of Award :2022 2015rcp9524@mnit.ac.ion
Dr. Vinesh Kumar Jain
2015RCP9019 PhD, Pursuing, M.Tech, BE Thesis Title :MELIORATION OF TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SCHEMES IN INTERNET OF THINGS Publications :(02),(05) Supervisors :Dr. Arka Prokash Mazumdar/ Prof Mahesh Chandra Govil Year of Award :2022 2015rcp9019@mnit.ac.in 9462738575
Dr. Ganpat Singh Chauhan
2018RCP906 Ph.D, M.Tech., B.E., Polytechnic Diploma Thesis Title :Hybrid Unsupervised Approaches for Aspect Extraction in Sentiment Analysis Publications :Journal (International: SCI- Q1: 11), Conference (International: 14) Supervisors :Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena and Dr. Dinesh Gopalani Year of Award :2022 2018RCP9063@mnit.ac.in 9829576701
Dr. Avani Sharma
2014RCP9513 Thesis Title :Efficient Trust Management Schemes for Internet of Things Supervisors :Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar, Dr. Arka Prokash Mazumdar Year of Award :2021 2014rcp9513@mnit.ac.in 7597930499
Dr. Anand Kumar Mishra
2013RCP9529 M.Tech, B.Tech Thesis Title :Design and Implementation of Forensic Framework for Cloud Computing Environment Publications :Conference(International-06) Supervisors :Prof. Mahesh Chandra Govil, Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar Year of Award :2021 2013RCP9529@mnit.ac.in 8239360787
Dr. Riti Kushwaha
2015RCP9526 PhD, M.Tech, B.Tech Thesis Title :Person Authentication Using Footprint Biometric Trait Publications :SCI Journal - 2
Journal - 2
Conference - 5 Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain Year of Award :2021 2015rcp9526@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Monu Verma
2017RCP9029 M. Tech, B. Tech Thesis Title :Human Facial Expression Analysis for Affective State Recognition Supervisors :Dr. Santosh Kumar Vipparthi/Prof. Girdhari Singh Year of Award :2021 2017RCP9029@mnit.ac.in 7412868844
Dr. Murari Mandal
2015rcp9525 M. Tech, B. Tech Thesis Title :Moving object detection for visual data analytics in conventional and aerial view Supervisors :Dr. Santosh Kumar Vipparthi Year of Award :2021 2015rcp9525@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Chauhan Sameersingh Ashoksingh
2015RCP9008 Thesis Title :An Efficient Broker based Framework for Federated Cloud Supervisors :Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar Year of Award :2021 2015RCP9008@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Mithlesh Arya
2015RCP9040 PhD, M-tech, B.E., 12th, 10th Thesis Title :Cervical Cancer Detection using PapSmear Images by Machine Learning techniques Publications :Journal (International: 3), Conference (International: 3) Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal, Prof. Girdhari Singh Year of Award :2020 2015rcp9040@mnit.ac.in 9413942204
Dr. Vineeta Jain
2015RCP9051 Thesis Title :Analysis and Detection of Provacy Leaks in Android Supervisors :Prof. Manoj SIngh Gaur, Prof. Mohamed Mosbah and Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2020 2015RCP9051@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Maheep Singh
2014RCP9067 Ph.D Thesis Title :Salient Object Detection in both Clean and Noisy Images Supervisors :Prof. M. C. Govil, Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar Year of Award :2019 maheep.singh14@gmail.com 9411293327
Dr. Sonu Lamba
2015RCP9003 Ph.D Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain Year of Award :2019 lamba.sonu5@gmail.com 9887704641
Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma
2014RCP9541 Ph.D Thesis Title :Query Translation and Disambiguation Approaches For Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal Year of Award :2019 sharmavijaykumar55@gmail.com 9784911021
Dr. Ajay Nehra
2014RCP9553 Ph.D Supervisors :Dr. Meenakshi Tripathi Year of Award :2019 ajay.nehra@ntnu.no 4794717343
Dr. Ashish Sharma
2013RCP9515 Ph.D Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur, Prof. Lava Bhargava Year of Award :2019 2013rcp9515@mnit.ac.in 9694945550
Dr. Maninder Singh Nehra
2013RCP9553 Ph.D Thesis Title :Devnagari Handwritten Text Corpus Development and part of Speech Tagging Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Year of Award :2019 maninder4unehra@yahoo.com 9414804769
Dr. Sonal Yadav
2013RCP9006 Ph.D Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur, Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2019 sonaldv4@gmail.com 9785999900
Dr. Abhishek Singh Kilak
2012RCP9516 Ph.D Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal Year of Award :2019 abhishekkilak@gmail.com 9828442121
Dr. Kunwar Pal
2013RCP9568 Ph.D Supervisors :Prof. Mahesh Chandra Govil, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Year of Award :2018 kunwar.11mar@gmail.com 8239384185
Dr. Tapas Badal
2013RCP9004 Ph.D Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain Year of Award :2018 tapasbadal@gmail.com 7725921088
Dr. Manish Jain
2012RCP9513 Ph.D Supervisors :Dr. Dinesh Gopalani Year of Award :2018 halomanish@gmail.com 9351201813
Dr. Gaurav Somani
2013RCP9552 Ph.D Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur, Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi (IIT Kanpur) Year of Award :2018 2013rcp9552@mnit.ac.in 9468656301
Dr. Chandra Prakash
2014RCP9512 Ph.D Thesis Title :Machine Learning Techniques for Vision-based Human Gait Analysis Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Year of Award :2018 cprakash@nitdelhi.ac.in 7568599806
Dr. Shweta Bhandari
2015RCP9508 Ph.D Supervisors :Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi, Akka Zemmari Year of Award :2018 er.shwetabhandari@gmail.com 7597385348
Dr. Maroti Deshmukh
2014RCP9539 Ph.D Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain and Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Year of Award :2018 marotideshmukh@nituk.ac.in 8500173440
Dr. Gaurav Singal
2012RCP9509 Ph.D Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur Year of Award :2017 gauravsingal789@gmail.com 9413882576
Dr. Ankit Vidyarthi
2012RCP9514 Ph.D Thesis Title :Classification of Malignant Brain Tumors using MRI by Machine Learning Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal Year of Award :2017 dr.ankit.vidyarthi@gmail.com 7734992121
Dr. Lokesh Kumar Sharma
2013RCP9007 Ph.D Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal Year of Award :2017 lokesh.gbu@gmail.com 9636648896
Dr. Preeti Mishra
2013RCP9523 Ph.D Thesis Title :Efficient Techniques for Intrusion Detection in Cloud Environment Publications :https://dblp.org/pid/190/3743.html Supervisors :Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar, Prof. Vijay Varadharajan Year of Award :2017 dr.preetimishranit@gmail.com 8218061127
Dr. Manoj Kumar Bohra
2011RCP 7126 Ph.D Thesis Title :Design of Highly Adaptive and Fault Tolerant Routing for Networks on Chip Supervisors :Prof. M.S. Gaur, Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2017 bohra.manoj1980@gmail.com 9460756900
Dr. Parvez Faruki
2012RCP9518 Ph.D Thesis Title :Techniques for Analysis and Detection of Android Malware Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi, Prof. Manoj Singh Gau Year of Award :2017 parvezfaruki.kg@gmail.com 9925199198
Dr. Prakash Choudhary
2012RCP9510 Ph.D Thesis Title :An Annotated Urdu Corpus of Handwritten Text Images and Benchmarking of Corpus Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain Year of Award :2016 choudharyprakash87@gmail.com 9982114196
Dr. Vipin Pal
2010REC203 Ph.D Thesis Title :Framework for energy efficient clustering approach for wireless sensor netwoks Supervisors :Dr. Girdhari Singh Year of Award :2016 vipinrwr@gmail.com 9485185960
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Gupta
2013RCP7123 Ph.D Thesis Title :Detection of security vulnerabilities using static analysis and machine leaning techniques Supervisors :Prof. M.C. Govil, Prof Girdhari Singh Year of Award :2016 mukeshgupta@skit.ac.in 9772545766
Dr. Anil Saini
2011RCP7124 Ph.D Thesis Title :Attacks and Mitigation in Web Browsers Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur Year of Award :2016 anil@ceeri.res.in 9414789728
Dr. Ramesh Babu Battula
2012RCP9519 Ph.D Thesis Title :Path and Spectrum Aware Routing in Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur, Dr. Dinesh Gopalani Year of Award :2016 rbbattula.cse@mnit.ac.in 9549654395
Dr. Smita Naval
2012RCP9013 Ph.D Thesis Title :Behaviour-based dynamic malware detection techniques Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi, Prof. Muttukrishnan Rajarajan (City University of London) Year of Award :2015 smita.cse@mnit.ac.in 9549656043
Dr. Rimpy Bishnoi
2011RCP7127 Ph.D Thesis Title :Resilient Routing Implementation for 2D Mesh Networks on Chip Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur , Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2015 rimpybishnoi@gmail.com 7036358894
Dr. Subhash Panwar
2011RCP7151 Ph.D Thesis Title :Cursive Handwritten Text Recognition Methodologies with Langauge Adaptive Segmentation Supervisors :Dr. Neeta Nain Year of Award :2015 Panwar.subhash@gmail.com 9928589444
Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena
2012RCP9001 Ph.D Thesis Title :EXTRACTIVE AUTOMATIC TEXT SUMMARIZATION BASED on VOTING and FILTERING TECHNIQUES Supervisors :Dr. Dinesh Gopalani Year of Award :2015 ymeena.cse@mnit.ac.in 7891005056
Dr. Chhagan Lal
2010RCP101 Ph.D Thesis Title :Quality-of-Service Driven Routing for Video Streaming in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi, Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur Year of Award :2014 chhagan.iiita@gmail.com 4745833804
Dr. Basant Agarwal
2011RCP7125 Ph.D Thesis Title :Prominent feature extraction for sentiment analysis Supervisors :Dr. Namita Mittal Year of Award :2014 basant.cse@iiitkota.ac.in 9829013908
Dr. Meenakshi Tripathi
2007RCP002 Ph.D Thesis Title :Energy Efficient and Secure Routing for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2014 mtripathi.cse@mnit.ac.in 9549654393
Dr. Jyoti Grover
2008RCP102 Ph.D Thesis Title :Vehicular Ad hoc Network: Attack Model and Detection Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur, Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2013 jyoti.grover@gmail.com 9461664398
Dr. Reena Gunjan
2009RCP101 Ph.D Thesis Title :Robust Watermarking Techniques in Digital Images Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur, Year of Award :2013 reenagunjan@gmail.com 7741974709
Dr. Preety Singh
2009RCP102 Ph.D Thesis Title :Extraction of Prominent Articulators for Visual Speech Recognition Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi, Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur Year of Award :2013 prtysingh@gmail.com 9828364396
Dr. Rajbir Kaur
2009RCP501 Ph.D Thesis Title :Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur, Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2012 rajbirkaur@lnmiit.ac.in 9829688889
Dr. Vinod P
2001RCP101 Ph.D Thesis Title :Malware Analysis and Detection Methodologies Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi, Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur Year of Award :2012 pvinod21@gmail.com 9497179735
Dr. Dinesh Gopalani
0690903 Ph.D Thesis Title :Aspect Calculi : Formal Theory of Aspect-Oriented Programming Languages Supervisors :Prof. M.C. Govil Year of Award :2012 dgopalani.cse@mnit.ac.in 9549654392
Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed
036007 Ph.D Thesis Title :Adaptive Fault Tolerant Routing in 2D Mesh Network on Chip Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2012 mahmed.cse@mnit.ac.in 9549654176
Dr. Naveen Choudhary
2007RCP003 Ph.D Thesis Title :Irregular Topology Design Methodologies for Application Specific Network on Chip Supervisors :Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur Year of Award :2011 naveenc121@yahoi.com 9352356102
Dr. Neeta Nain
036009 Ph.D Thesis Title :Scale Independent Interest Point Detection and Its Hardware
Architecture Supervisors :Prof. Vijay Laxmi Year of Award :2011 nnain.cse@mnit.ac.in 9549654177
Dr. Namita Mittal
036005 Ph.D Thesis Title :Personalised Information Retrieval Using User Profile and Collaborative Filtering Supervisors :Prof. M. C. Govil, Dr. Richi Nayak (QUT, Australia), Prof. K C Jain Year of Award :2011 nmittal.cse@mnit.ac.in 9549654394
Dr. Krishan Kumar Paliwal
2007RCP001 Ph.D Thesis Title :QoS-aware Routing in Network-on-Chip Supervisors :Prof Manoj Singh Gaur, Prof Vijay Janyani Year of Award :2010 captkkpaliwal@gmail.com 9717685428
Dr. Girdhari Singh
03609 Ph.D Thesis Title :AGENT BASED REAL-TIME SYSTEM MODELING BASED on UML Supervisors :Prof. M.C. Govil Year of Award :2009 gsingh.cse@mnit.ac.in 9414258820