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The Institute was jointly established in 1963 as Malaviya Regional Engineering College Jaipur by the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Subsequently, on 26 June, 2002, the college was given the status of National Institute of Technology. On 15 August 2007, it was recognized as the Institute of National Importance through an Act of Parliament. Read More
Welcome to Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur. Being one of the oldest NITs, the institute has a rich heritage of sixty years producing world class engineers, managers, architects and scientists. Ranked 43rd nationally in the NIRF ranking-2024 (Engineering), the institute offers learning opportunities for undergraduate, postgraduate students, and researchers in various domains. Read More
Journal Publications
Conference Publications
Research Sponsored Projects
Granted / Filed Patents
Doctorates Awarded
"Synthesis of Transition Metal Complexes of inverse 1, 2, 3-Triazolyl-Pyridine Ligands for Sustainable Catalysis [Dec-2023]"DST-SERB (Core Research Grant), Cost (Lacs):32.00PI: Dr. Barun Jana, Deptt. of Chemistry
"Organometallic Catalyst-Photosensitizer Dyads Bearing N-Heterocyclic Carbene ligands for Sunlight Promoted Water Oxidation and Hydrogen Evolving Reactions [Dec-2023]"DST-SERB (Core Research Grants), Cost (Lacs):26.00PI: Dr. Abbas Raja Naziruddin, Deptt. of Chemistry
"Development of Electro-spun Carbon Fibers using Bio-waste for Energy Storage Application [Oct-2023]"Ministry of Textiles, Cost (Lacs):50.00PI: Dr. Kapil Pareek, Deptt. of Center for Energy & Environment
"5G Use Case Laboratory at MNIT Jaipur (One of the 100 5G Use Case Laboratory for Higher Educational Institutions) [Oct-2023]"Department of Telecommunication, Ministry of Communications, Govt. of India, Cost (Lacs):71.25PI: Dr. Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
"Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna for four frequency bands (L1 L2 L5 & S bands) [Oct-2023]"ISRO, Cost (Lacs):22.17PI: Prof. M. M. Sharma, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
"Novel Catalytic Up-conversion of Biomass Molecules to Value-added Products [Oct-2023]"SERB, Govt. of India, Cost (Lacs):16.91PI: Dr. Subbaramaiah V, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering
"To study the effectiveness of Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) for the Promotion of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in India_A Comprehensive MultiStakeholder Study [Sep-2023]"ICSSR, New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):16.00PI: Prof. Monica Sharma, Deptt. of Management Studies
"Catalyzing Economic Development Impact of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana in the States of Rajasthan and Karnataka [Sep-2023]"ICSSR, Cost (Lacs):14.00PI: Dr. Shridev Devji , Deptt. of Management Studies
"Blockchain based Multi-Layer Energy Management System for Smart Buildings [Sep-2023]"DST, Cost (Lacs):42.00PI: Prof. Rohit Bhakar, Deptt. of Electrical Engineering
"Low carbon pathways for energy system planning and operation under the aspects of flexibility from transport sector [Sep-2023]"DST, Cost (Lacs):10.41PI: Prof. Rohit Bhakar, Deptt. of Electrical Engineering
"Greener approach for sensing and removal of noxious pollutants in mining wastewater [Aug-2023]"Rajasthan States Mines and Minerals Ltd., Cost (Lacs):13.80PI: Dr. Meena Nemiwal, Deptt. of Chemistry
"Development of novel ferrocene-based metal organic frameworks (MOFs) as heterogeneous catalysts for sustainable organic transformations [Aug-2023]"MoE-MHRD, Cost (Lacs):30.00PI: Dr. Meena Nemiwal, Deptt. of Chemistry
"Building Urban Resilience to Fire Hazards through Planning and Design Optimization using Data Analytics [Jul-2023]"SPARC MHRD Govt. of India , Cost (Lacs):66.97PI: Dr. Yash Kumar Mittal, Deptt. of Architecture & Planning
"iGLU Intelligent Glucose Measurement Device [Jul-2023]"DST (under NM-ICPS from IIT Indore DRISHTI Foundation), Cost (Lacs):10.50PI: Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
"Development and characterization of high-temperature wear and corrosion resistance high entropy alloy (HEA) for airborne parts and turbine engine blade [Jun-2023]"SPARC-MHRD Govt. of India, Cost (Lacs):48.00PI: Prof. Amar Patnaik, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Earthquake Safety of Dams, Towards Implementation of the Dam Safety Act [Jun-2023]"NDSA, Ministry of Jal Shakti, GoI, Cost (Lacs):1000.00PI: Prof. S. D. Bharti, Deptt. of Civil Engineering
"The transformative potential of Digital Adoption for Health and Education in Rajasthan [Jun-2023]"ICSSR, Cost (Lacs):12.00PI: Dr. Aakanksha Kataria, Deptt. of Management Studies
"Development of techniques for data traffic based analysis of smart systems [May-2023]"Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Ministry of Defense , Govt. of India, Cost (Lacs):113.97PI: Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
"Inertial Migration of Particles in Microchannels [May-2023]"DST, Cost (Lacs):35.00PI: Dr. Pooja Jangir, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering
"Development of Silicon Proven IP Cores, Transceiver IC and System Prototype for mmWave Radar Sensing in Healthcare and Security Applications [May-2023]"MeitY, Cost (Lacs):288.00PI: Dr. Hemant Kumar Meena, Deptt. of Electrical Engineering
"Optimization study for Vacuum Assisted Compression Molding and Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Process for Contoured Composites. [Apr-2023]"DMSRDE, DRDO , Cost (Lacs):72.66PI: Prof. Harlal Singh Mali, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Development of Type Designs of Aanganwaadi and Houses using Structural Steel, as part of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana towards Enhancing Use of Steel in Housing Sector [Apr-2023]"Ministry of Steel-Government of India, Cost (Lacs):430.00PI: Prof. S. D. Bharti, Deptt. of Civil Engineering
"Development of Artificial intelligence enabled sustainable health care waste management system in India [Apr-2023]"Indian Council of Social Science Research, Cost (Lacs):12.00PI: Dr. Rajeev Agrawal, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Design and development of loop heat pipe to enhance energy efficiency via waste heat recovery [Apr-2023]"LAM Research, Cost (Lacs):41.00PI: Dr. Manjinder Singh, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Sustainable Solution for Toxic Metal Ion Pollutants in Water [Mar-2023]"Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Cost (Lacs):27.81PI: Dr. Meena Nemiwal, Deptt. of Chemistry
"Medicinal chemistry of natural products from selected Indian medicinal plants to discover potential anticancer agents (WOS-A project of Dr. Venu Sharma) [Mar-2023]"(As Mentor) WOS-A (Postdoctoral Project) DST-New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):12.96PI: Dr. Meena Nemiwal, Deptt. of Chemistry
"Measurement of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Carpet Weavers and Ergonomic Intervention of Carpet Weaving Hand Tools [Feb-2023]"SERB, DST New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):46.69PI: Dr. M. L. Meena, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Nature Inspired and Machine Learning Based Intelligent Optimization Model for Crop Recommendation in Rajasthan, India [Feb-2023]"Department of Science and Technology (DST), Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Cost (Lacs):29.39PI: Dr. Lavika Goel, Deptt. of Computer Science & Engineering
"Development of ultra high sub micron Ievel measurement facility for coefficient of thermal expansion lbr dimensionalty stable composite structures [Feb-2023]"ISRO Regional Academic Center for Space, Cost (Lacs):20.00PI: Prof. Amar Patnaik, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
" Design and Demonstration of Empty and Foam Filled Honeycomb Structures for Energy Absorption During Crash/Impact [Feb-2023]"ISRO Regional Academic Center for Space, Cost (Lacs):17.90PI: Prof. Amar Patnaik, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Performance exploration of LTMO and vertically aligned MWCNT on graphene material for efficient and sustainable Na-Ion batteries [Feb-2023]"ISRO , Cost (Lacs):25.00PI: Prof. Kanupriya Sachdev, Deptt. of Physics
"Onboard spectral preprocessing for multispectral image compression using FPGA [Feb-2023]"ISRO, Cost (Lacs):18.62PI: Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
"Developing a user-friendly Chatbot system as an interface for information extraction in Natural language [Feb-2023]"ISRO- RACS, Department of Space, Cost (Lacs):25.30PI: Dr. Namita Mittal, Deptt. of Computer Science & Engineering
"Acid base bifunctional nanoporous hybrid catalyst for chemical fixation of CO2 [Feb-2023]"DST-SERB, Cost (Lacs):47.52PI: Dr. Pawan Rekha, Deptt. of Chemistry
"Development of AlCoCrFeNiTi high entropy alloy for high-temperature aerospace applications [Feb-2023]"ISRO-RACS, Cost (Lacs):24.83PI: Dr. Rajesh Kumar Rai, Deptt. of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
"Impact of electronic and nuclear energy loss with moderate energy on metal-fullerene nanocomposite (WOS-A project of Ms. Jyotsna Bhardwaj) [Feb-2023]"DST New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):18.40PI: Dr. Rahul Singhal, Deptt. of Physics
"ICESat-2 based Ground photons retrieval in urban areas by using deep learning algorithm [Jan-2023]"ISRO-RACS, Cost (Lacs):14.90PI: Dr. Priyanka Harjule, Deptt. of Mathematics
"Indo-Russia Enhancing the efficiency of clean energy production by intensifying anaerobic bioconversion of organic waste using solar energy [Jan-2023]"Department of Science and Technology/DST, GoI, Cost (Lacs):74.89PI: Dr. Vivekanand , Deptt. of Center for Energy & Environment
"Collaborative Research Based Education for Optimized Performance of Wind Farms [Jan-2023]"The Research Counsel of Norway, Cost (Lacs):40.00PI: Dr. Gunjan Soni, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Tuning of electrical properties through magnetic doping in 3D topological insulators [Jan-2023]"(As Mentor) INSPIRE (Ph.D. Student) DST New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):20.00PI: Dr. Manoj Kumar, Deptt. of Physics
"Demand Response Management platform in Smart Grid for Effective Performance [Dec-2022]"Technology Development Programme (TDP) - DST Govt of India , Cost (Lacs):27.00PI: Dr. Namita Mittal, Deptt. of Computer Science & Engineering
"A Study of the Usability and Accessibility of Various ICT Tools related to English Language Speaking and Reading Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) [Dec-2022]"Department of Science and Industrial Research (DSIR), Cost (Lacs):10.80PI: Dr. Meenakshi Tripathi, Deptt. of Computer Science & Engineering
"Design and Development of Energy Efficient Microchannel Based Solvent Recovery Unit for Fermentation and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Production [Dec-2022]"Core Research Grant-Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)-DST, Cost (Lacs):43.95PI: Dr. U. K. ARUN KUMAR, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering
"Design and development of efficient methods for food quality assessment using computer vision. [Nov-2022]"LUMACHAIN SOLUTIONS, Cost (Lacs):14.40PI: Dr. Shridev Devji , Deptt. of Management Studies
"Global Collaborative Research Based Education for Enhancing Performance of Wind Farms (EduWind), UTF-2021/10169 [Nov-2022]"The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir), Cost (Lacs):35.00PI: Dr. Gunjan Soni, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Community based Managed Aquifer recharge (CoMAR) in rural cluster - A tool for sustainable and safe drinking water supply [Oct-2022]"Jal Jeevan Mission, Cost (Lacs):10.83PI: Dr. Amit Kumar, Deptt. of Civil Engineering
"Development of Ceramic and UHMWPE Textile Based Hybrid Polymer Composite Armor [Sep-2022]"Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Cost (Lacs):363.36PI: Prof. Amar Patnaik, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Development of E-glass/Carbon textile reinforced hybrid polymer composites for wind turbine Blade application [Sep-2022]"Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Cost (Lacs):41.40PI: Prof. Amar Patnaik, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Intercalation of Rare-Earths in MXenes and their Impact on Magnetism and Electrical Transport for Spintronic Applications [Aug-2022]"(As Mentor) WOS-A (Postdoctoral Project) DST, New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):30.00PI: Dr. Manoj Kumar, Deptt. of Physics
"Utilization of Polymeric and biomass waste for production of value added products [Aug-2022]"Radox Overseas, Cost (Lacs):10.00PI: Prof. Manish Vashishtha, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering
"Design Expertise Manufacturing MSME Sector (MSME- Innovative- Design ) [Aug-2022]"MSME ,New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):20.60PI: Dr. Rajeev Agrawal, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Design , Fabrication and performance Evaluation of Flexible Piezoelectric Biomechanical Energy Harvester [Aug-2022]"SERB-Power Grant, Cost (Lacs):53.97PI: Dr. Ritu Sharma, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
"EV Charging Coordination and Navigation Solutions for Smart Cities [Jul-2022]"SCIENCE and ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD (SERB), Cost (Lacs):27.60PI: Dr. Parul Mathuria, Deptt. of Center for Energy & Environment
"A simulation and emulation oriented cyber testbed for training and defence in cybersecurity (RP0072) [Jun-2022]"DRDO (in Collabaration with IIT Jammu and IIT Bombay), Cost (Lacs):76.71PI: Dr. Smita Naval, Deptt. of Computer Science & Engineering
"Development of Novel Electrocatalyst for the Efficient Conversion of Biomass Derived Syngas to Electrical Power Using Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technique [May-2022]"Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, Gov. of India, Cost (Lacs):57.00PI: Dr. Neetu Kumari, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering
"Development of 3D Computational Evaporator (Chiller) & Condenser [May-2022]"UFI Innovation Center India Pvt. Ltd., Cost (Lacs):22.65PI: Dr. Ram Dayal, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Development of Artificial Intelligence based functional prototype for the diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection [May-2022]"M/S Techjivaa Software Private Ltd., Cost (Lacs):10.00PI: Dr. Bharat Choudhary, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
"“Phase stability of immiscible systems under irradiation-a case study for CuTa alloy” [May-2022]"Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), Delhi, Cost (Lacs):14.00PI: Dr. Nisha Verma, Deptt. of Materials Research Centre
"Study of Au-Fullerene nanocomposite under low energy ion irradiation [Apr-2022]"Inter University Accelerator Centre New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):11.50PI: Dr. Rahul Singhal, Deptt. of Physics
"Development of Emerging Materials (FIST-2021) [Apr-2022]"DST, Cost (Lacs):141.00PI: Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal, Deptt. of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
"Prototype Development of Artificial Intelligence based Portable Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Silicosis [Apr-2022]"Directorate of Specially abled People , Govt. of Rajasthan, Cost (Lacs):22.59PI: Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
"Identifying and quantifying interventions for prevention of silicosis [Mar-2022]"Directorate of Specially abled persons, Govt. of Rajasthan, Cost (Lacs):150.00PI: Dr. Nivedita Kaul, Deptt. of Civil Engineering
"Technology Dissemination through Massive Open Online Courses for Skill Development and Supporting Higher Education with Advanced Learning Analytics for Effective Teaching [Mar-2022]"RISL (A govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking) , Cost (Lacs):28.75PI: Dr. Niraja Saraswat, Deptt. of Humanities & Social Science
"Extracting the Value-added Nanoparticles from Metal-based Waste Materials for Catalyzing Organic Transformation Reactions [Mar-2022]"SERB-DST, Cost (Lacs):33.00PI: Dr. Sumit Kumar Sonkar, Deptt. of Chemistry
"Industrial hygiene of silica dust exposure in Rajasthan- Spatial distribution, diagnosis, risk assessment, and its management [Mar-2022]"Directorate Specially Abled Person, Govt of Rajasthan, India, Cost (Lacs):44.47PI: Dr. Subbaramaiah V, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering
"Hybrid Jute Composite Modification and subsequent Development of Porta Cabin [Mar-2022]"National Jute Board, Govt. of India, Cost (Lacs):37.76PI: Prof. Amar Patnaik, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
"Transforming Aandhi village in Rajasthan towards a Zero waste Model through Green technology Interventions [Mar-2022]"Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Cost (Lacs):18.84PI: Prof. Rohit Goyal, Deptt. of Civil Engineering
"Novel Material Manufacturing method for Large Volume Cast Metal Matrix Nanocomposites (Ultra-Cast) [Mar-2022]"Ministry of Mines, Cost (Lacs):50.50PI: Dr. Sreekumar Vadakke Madam, Deptt. of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
"Automation and AI/ML-Assisted Development of Solid State Battery Technology [Feb-2022]"Department of Science and Technology, GoI, Cost (Lacs):120.00PI: Dr. Kapil Pareek, Deptt. of Center for Energy & Environment
"Assessment of Additive Manufactured Titanium Alloy and Cast Nickel-Aluminium-Bronze Alloy An Exploratory Study for Naval Propeller Material [Jan-2022]"NRB, DRDO, Cost (Lacs):20.04PI: Dr. Manjesh Kumar Mishra, Deptt. of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
"A decision framework for SMEs to address sustainability issues with Industry 4.0 technologies"Annals of Operations Research, Year: 2025 Authors: A Jamwal N Palit Sushma Kumari Rajeev Agarwal M Sharma
"A Framework for efficiently parallelizing loops for many core systems"SN Computer Science, Year: 2025 Authors: Akash Yadav, Mushtaq Ahmed
"A review on high-entropy alloys synthesized via powder metallurgy route (Accepted) "Physics of Metals and Metallography, Year: 2025 Authors: R K Saini, U Pandel, Vijay N Nadakuduru
"Rapid Microwave Assisted Synthesis of N Doped CQDs for Highly Selective Turn Off Sensing of Bismuth Ions in Wastewater"Analytica Chimica Acta, Year: 2025 Authors: Anoushka, Manviri Rani, U Shanker
"Electrodeposited Iron-Incorporated Cobalt Phosphide for Improved Supercapacitor Applications"Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, Year: 2025 Authors: Gaurav Pandey, Prashanth W. Menezes, Kamlendra Awasthi
"Multifunctional chrysin-loaded gallic acidglycerol monostearate conjugate-based injectable hydrogel for targeted inhibition of hypoxia-induced NLRP3 inflammasome in ulcerative colitis"Biomaterials Science, Year: 2025 Authors: Ajay kumar, Rahul, Kanika, Jattin Kumar, Shubham Mahajan, Aneesh Ali, Nemat Ali, Mahendra Bishnoi, Young-Ok Son and Rehan Khan
"A decision framework for SMEs to address sustainability issues with Industry 4.0 technologies (Accepted)"Annals of Operations Research, Year: 2025 Authors: Anbesh Jamwal, Niladri Palit, Sushma Kumari, Rajeev Agrawal, Monica Sharma
"Developing a maturity model for Industry 4.0 practices in manufacturing SMEs (Accepted)"Operations Management Research, Year: 2025 Authors: A. Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, M. Sharma
"Green finance and investment in India: Unveiling enablers and barriers for a sustainable future"Journal of Cleaner Production (Scopus;SCIE;ABDC), Year: 2025 Authors: Bhatnagar, S., Sharma, D., and Singh, V. V.
"Free-Phish: detecting phishing websites hosted on free web hosting domains."International Journal of Computers and Applications, Year: 2025 Authors: Rohit Lohar, Meenakshi Tripathi, Hossein Shirazi
"Influence of Water on the NO3 + HO2 Reaction"The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A, Year: 2025 Authors: Philips Kumar Rai and Pradeep Kuma
"Water as a catalyst in the reaction of nitrous acid (HONO) and Criegee intermediate (CH2OO)" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Year: 2025 Authors: Vishva Jeet Anand , Vivek Kumar , Amit Kumar and Pradeep Kumar
"Echo State Network Control Based Power Quality Enhancement in Grid-Interactive Solar Photovoltaic System"IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Year: 2025 Authors: M. Morey, N. Gupta, M.M.Garg, A. Kumar and V. Gali
"An Improved Dual-Output Five-Level Buck PFC Rectifier with Reduced Switch Count"IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Year: 2025 Authors: Ankush Koli, N. Sandeep and H P Tiwari
" Development and Corrosion Behavior of Electrodeposited FeCoNiMoW and FeCoNiMoWCr High Entropy Alloy Coatings"Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Year: 2025 Authors: Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Ashwin Shah, Pramendra Burdak, Shrawan Kumar Bairwa
"A comprehensive survey on RPL routing-based attacks, defenses and future directions in Internet of Things"Computers and Electrical Engineering, Year: 2025 Authors: Anil Kumar Prajapati, Emmanuel S Pilli, Ramesh Babu Battula, Vijay Varadharajan, Abhishek Verma, RC Joshi
"Prioritizing determinants of employees green behavior in the Indian hotel industry: an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy AHP approach"Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, Year: 2025 Authors: Rifa Nadeem, Reeta Singh,Akshay Patidar,M. Y. Yusliza,Thurasamy Ramayah,Feza Tabassum Azmi
"Kinetic and Mechanistic Investigation of L-Phenylalanine Oxidation by Alkaline Cu(III) Periodate in CPC Micellar Medium"Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, Year: 2025 Authors: Abhishek Srivastava, Neetu Srivastava, Rajeev Kumar Dohare
"Conversion of waste PET bottles into supported ionic liquid membranes for heavy metal separation from wastewater"Journal of Environmental Management, Year: 2025 Authors: Sameer Imdad , Rajeev Kumar Dohare
"Dual Mode Terahertz Cross Polarization Converter Based Pesticide Sensor (Accepted)"IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Year: 2025 Authors: S. Singhal
"Corrosion and Hardness Studies of Electrodeposited Ni-Ag-hBN Composite Coatings: Effect of hBN Content"International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Year: 2025 Authors: Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Banti Chauhan, and Shrawan Kumar Bairwa
"Green biosynthesized N-doped nickel ferrite chitosan-coated nanocomposite for high photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants from wastewater"International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Year: 2025 Authors: Rakesh Kumar Saini, Manviri Rani, Uma Shanker
"Enhanced Detection and Degradation of Chlorpyrifos Using N-CQDs-Based Green Nanocomposite"Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Year: 2025 Authors: Rishabh, Manviri Rani, Uma Shanker
"Treatment of textile effluent by electrocoagulation in a novel reactor to mitigate environmental pollution"International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Year: 2025 Authors: P. Agarwal, V. K. Sangal, S. Mathur
"An Improved Dynamic Opto-Electric-Thermal Model for Power Estimation of Bifacial PV Module"IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Year: 2025 Authors: Gautam Raina, Shubham Sharma, Sunanda Sinha
"Prediction of hysteresis in the water retention curve for the fly ash-based hydrogel-amended soils"Irrigation and Drainage, Year: 2025 Authors: Saha, A., Sekharan, S. and Manna, U.
"Machine Learning Enabled Catalytic Wet Peroxidation of Levofloxacin Bearing Wastewater using Cu/MCM-41"Chemical Engineering Science, Year: 2025 Authors: Gayatri Rajput, Vijayalakshmi Gosu, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Ram B. Gupta, Verraboina Subbaramaiah
"Quantifying water release into the soil from water absorbing polymers under drought conditions "Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Year: 2025 Authors: Saha, A., Sekharan, S., Manna, U., and Tripathy, S.
"Cerium oxide nanoparticles decorated on graphene oxide nanosheets as battery-type cathode material for supercapacitors"Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Year: 2025 Authors: Hem Kanwar Rathore, Chanchal Das, Goutam Biswas, Manish Kumar, Sunil Kumar Sankhala, Debasish Sarkar
"Numerical investigation on the effect of combined convective and radiative heat transfer on thermal runaway propagation in aligned air-cooled cylindrical Li-ion battery modules"International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Year: 2025 Authors: Rojo Kurian Daniels, Suvrat Sharma, Aneesh Prabhakar
"HBA-LightGBM: Honey Badger Algorithm With LightGBM Model for Solar Irradiance Forecasting"IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Year: 2025 Authors: A. Prajesh and P. Jain
"Spatial-temporal seismicity analysis using TSOM and variational density peak clustering"Environmental and Ecological Statistics , Year: 2025 Authors: A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda
"Oxidative Amidation of Ferrocenyl Aldehydes with Amines Catalyzed by Chalcogenised Fe3Se2(CO)9 Cluster: Direct Transformation of Aldehyde to Amides"Chemistry: An Asian Journal, Year: 2025 Authors: Deepak Sharma, Aditya Choudhary, Vijesh Tomar, Raj K Joshi
"Iron-Assisted and Cu-Mediated Direct Aminocarbonylation of Nitroarene with Boronic Acid"The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Year: 2025 Authors: Deepak Sharma, Charu Sharma, Sangeeta Kumari, Raj K Joshi
"Ru(II)-Catalyzed ortho-Vinylation of Benzoic Acids in Water"The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Year: 2025 Authors: Lalit Negi, Aditi Soni, Deepak Sharma, Manisha Manisha, Raj K Joshi
"Green biosynthesized NiFe2O4 for efficient photocatalytic degradation of plastic additives: Synthesis, mechanism, and kinetics"Diamond and Related Materials, Year: 2025 Authors: Bharti Agarwal, Manviri Rani, Uma Shanker
"Preparation, characterization, and analytical studies of mustard strawderived biochar-coated urea utilizing different binders"Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Year: 2025 Authors: Meenu, Manish Vashishtha, S V A R Sastry
"Set Convergences via Bornology"Set valued and Variational Analysis, Year: 2025 Authors: Y. Agarwal and V. Jindal
"A Compact Dual Band Circularly Polarized Antenna Using Shared Aperture Technique for NavIC Receiver"Sadhana, Year: 2025 Authors: Bhawna Kalra, Soumava Mukherjee, Ghanshyam Singh, and M.M. Sharma
"Design of a Novel Compact Butterfly-Shaped Circularly Polarized Antenna for Ku and K Band Applications"Sadhana, Year: 2025 Authors: Renu Agrawal, Subhash Shrimal, Indra Bhooshan Sharma, Bhawna Kalra, and M.M. Sharma
"Design of a Multi-Band, Dual-Sense Polarization Reconfigurable Mushroom Shape Patch Antenna"Scientica Iranica, Year: 2025 Authors: Renu Agrawal, Subhash Shrimal, Bhawna Kalra, and M.M. Sharma
"Defective ground structure loaded polarization reconfigurable ring-shaped patch antenna for multiband applications."Electromagnetics, Year: 2025 Authors: Agrawal, R., Kalra, B., Shrimal, S., Sharma, M. M., and Jaiverdhan.
"A CPW-Fed Hybrid Polarization-Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna with TCM Analysis for 5G New Radio Frequency Applications" Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Year: 2025 Authors: Subhash Shrimal, Indra Bhooshan Sharma, Bhawna Kalra, and M. M. Sharma
"Machinability study on carbon fiber-reinforced polypropylene textile composite"Interactions, Year: 2025 Authors: Shashi Ranjan Pathak, Anup Malik, Harlal Singh Mali
"Investigating effect of tool geometry on drilling performance of carbon fiber-reinforced polypropylene thermoplastic composite"Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Year: 2025 Authors: Shashi Ranjan Pathak, Anup Malik, Harlal Singh Mali
"Perfectly Hexagonal Sponge-Like NiO-NiCo2O4 with Rich Electromicrostructural Physiognomies for High-Efficiency Electrocatalytic Urea Oxidation"ChemNanoMat, Year: 2025 Authors: Siddhant Srivastav, Mahesh Kumar Paliwal, and Sumanta Kumar Meher
"Automated floating debris monitoring using optical satellite imagery and artificial intelligence: Recent trends, challenges and opportunities"Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Year: 2025 Authors: Kamakhya Bansal , Ashish Kumar Tripathi
"Pre-trained noise based unsupervised GAN for fruit disease classification in imbalanced datasets"Pattern Analysis and Applications , Year: 2025 Authors: Sachin Gupta, Ashish Kumar Tripathi, Nkenyereye Lewis
"Design and Optimization of a Symmetrical Phase-Frequency Detector (SPFD) through Statistical Techniques"Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Year: 2025 Authors: Jyoti Sharma, Archana Singhal, Tarun Varma and Dharmendar Boolchandani
"Chemical reaction and inclined magnetic field effects on tri-hybrid Carreau nanofluid slip flow of blood past a porous inclined stenosed artery with viscous dissipation"Physica Scripta, Year: 2025 Authors: Jyoti Deshwal, Santosh Chaudhary, Rajesh Kumar
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